Travel Choices Report

Public transport is prohibitively expensive for people seeking asylum in Scotland. The majority are living solely off Home Office support which currently stands at £47.39 per week, with those in contingency accommodation on much less. Additionally, people who are appeal rights exhausted have no income whatsoever. With a current day ticket in Glasgow costing £5.40, it’s clear to see how people seeking asylum struggle to access public transport on a regular basis, causing isolation, deteriorating mental health and difficulties accessing essential services such as healthcare and legal assistance. 

This report provides data and testimony of the experiences of 150 participants who took part in the Travel Choices 12-week free bus pass trial which we helped pilot in Glasgow earlier this year, funded by Paths for All. 

Through this report, we aim to add further evidence and the voice of refugees to public debates about the use of free bus travel, and to support the campaign calling for the Scottish Government to extend the Concessionary Travel Scheme to people seeking asylum throughout the country.

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