Aims and Objectives

The vision of RST is that all refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland receive just and respectful treatment and support appropriate to their needs.

RST’s mission is to do everything within our available resources and powers to achieve that vision by enabling and supporting asylum seekers and refugees in need.

RST’s aims and objectives are to:

  • provide an immediate response to asylum seekers and refugees who apply for assistance.
  • increase opportunities for refugees and asylum seekers to be active citizens.
  • raise awareness of the issues facing asylum seekers and refugees.
  • contribute to the development of policy and good practice with reference to refugees and asylum seekers.

RST is committed to promoting equality, social justice and social inclusion, to upholding human rights, and to behaving with honesty and integrity at all times. To uphold these values, we will behave in ways that:

  • achieve high standards of effective professional practice and proper evaluation of our work.
  • are adaptable and innovative in response to need.
  • ensure that our processes are transparent and properly evaluated.
  • work in partnership with any individual or organisation operating in the same field who share the same aims and values.

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